Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Welcome to the world, Levi. Dream big.

I would not have imagined a week ago that I would have been walking into the shower crossing my fingers that my son would start eating, and then, in succession, fist pumping when I get out and get the thumbs up from Gretchen.

Yes, it would be fair to say things have changed.  I never had any doubt they would, but the extent to which they have cannot be understood or explained adequately unless experienced personally.  That being said, I will now give some examples and thoughts from Levi's first week of life...and of course photos!

Day 1: Tuesday

Today, we finally met Levi after so many months of already loving him.  We waited to find out whether he was a boy or a girl and are so glad we did.  The elation Gretchen and I felt when we found out and the excitement as we chose Levi Russell (it was one of the top names, but we hadn't settled on one for sure until that moment) was one of the best experiences of my life.

Levi did not like all of the nurses poking and prodding him.  So, he decided to let them know by peeing on two different nurses on two separate occasions!  Is pride appropriate in that circumstance?  The whole room laughed at this as it was only moments after birth and spirits were incredibly high.

Gretchen and I had decided that I would try to finish the school week out so that I could take the next week off when she was home.  That meant I was to go from the hospital and spend the night at home alone.  There are very few experiences I can equate to the guilt and sadness of the moment I stepped onto the elevator knowing I would not see my newborn son until the next day.

Day 2:  Wednesday

We found out Wednesday that Levi LOVES stretching out (as you can see above).  He will stretch his long legs down and push on whoever is holding him.  Once again, my wife showed her mettle as she gave me frequent updates on how they were doing.  Throughout all of the tests and procedures being performed on Mom and Baby, she still thought of me and let me know how things were going. 

At school, everyone was very excited.  I work with an incredible group of people.  They have been supportive, helpful and excited.  The students were very curious as well.  Levi had been a topic of discussion in many of my lessons (though at that point we called him Baby Wendell), and I am sure there was even more anticipation because my absence on Tuesday was unexpected.

After school, I rushed home, took a shower, grabbed some things for Gretchen and, with great eagerness, made my way to the hospital.

Throughout her pregnancy, Gretchen did not eat lunch meat.  This was one of the foods I was NOT aware was blacklisted.  A Jimmy John's Midnight Club sandwich was, therefore, Gretchen's order for dinner.  My mom happily picked up our food and met us at the hospital.  I was incredibly nervous about holding Levi, so Gretchen and my mom were happy to help my comfort level.  Gretchen was already comfortable, but I needed a few pointers to help me feel more relaxed in handling our new baby.

Here is the video I was able to show everyone at school (from Tuesday):

Day 3:  Thursday

Levi came home today!  As you can tell from the picture above, Mom, Dad and our wonderful Levi were just a little tired.  I can't imagine why!

It was a bit of a waiting game.  I was at school, anxiously waiting for news that Gretchen and Levi were home.  As much as I was chomping at the bits to have them home, I know that Gretchen was feeling that ten-fold.  Before leaving the hospital, however, she went to a class where she learned to bath Levi as well as some other tidbits about being a parent.  By the time I came home, they had arrived and my mom was waiting for me to be there before she left.  Gretchen's mom, Marianne, came over later and cooked us dinner...fabulous!

We learned today that Levi loves to snuggle and his two favorite positions are laying on the chest and in our lap.  In the picture above, there was no where I wanted to be more and nothing I would have rather been doing.  I didn't want to let go.

The first night was a little rough, but Gretchen handled it with poise and competence...making up for my learning curve.  However, I was able to take a shift between feedings to have some father-son bonding time.  Around five o'clock I knew school had been cancelled, so I took Levi out to the couch and sat in the quiet twilight of the morning.  Those precious moments will forever be etched into my memory and will forever bring a smile to my face, a tear to my eye.  I love him.

Day 4: Friday

Friday all melted together for me as a series of feedings, changings and naps.  I kept him out with me in the living room while Gretchen caught up on some sleep.  The picture above was a joyous moment. (seemingly mundane to most, but I think everything he does is incredible...not that I am biased).  I needed to take care of some things, so I set Levi in the bassinet for a moment, crossing my fingers that he would be okay and not fuss.  Not only did he not fuss, he kept sleeping like a champ!  Our long legs Levi seems to be able to sleep anywhere (at this point).  I am very much aware of this, and hope it continues.

Friday, we had a lot of visitors, cupcakes galore and chipotle...oh, and Levi being adorable.

Day 5:  Saturday

The only particularly momentous event today was Levi's first bath at home.  My mom and dad cooked dinner for us and we had a relaxing evening.  Continued loving on Levi.

Day 6: Sunday

Sunday was a day of rest.  Gretchen's family came over and made us brunch.  Levi was passed around, happily held.  Later, the three of us were able to lay down together in bed.  This was an amazing experience.  Levi between the two of us feeling content and loved.

Levi has the most incredible blue eyes.  I just thought you should know that.

Day 7: Monday

Monday was a huge day for Levi.  This was to be his first outing!  Levi had his follow up appointment with the pediatrician, Dr. Ramachandran (who is outstanding), and we had some errands we wanted to run.  Both Gretchen and I were anxious to see how this would go and Levi exceeded our expectations (way to go, son!)  He decided that while Mom and Dad were doing this running around foolishness, he would take a nap.  We ate some lunch, which was a fantastic temporary return to the familiar, then Gretchen got a little shopping fix at Target.  We were early for our appointment, so we sat in the waiting area.  I was lucky since this gave me some extra time to watch my son be awesome.

Everything went well at the pediatrician.  Levi's weight is healthy, he sounds healthy and our doctor will let us know the results of some of the tests that were taken in the hospital at our next appointment.  This was a big relief to the two of us because we were both worried he was not getting enough food...the internet can greatly assist in creating worry.

Our adventure ended without too much fussing from either Levi or myself and we returned home.  Once again, I am in constant amazement of my baby boy.  (I'm allowed to brag, it IS his blog after all!)


Here is a bonus picture from today.  It was too cute not to share!

And with that, I am going to leave with these words for my son...

You're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
You'r mountain is waiting.
So...get on your way!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

January 21st, 2014 at 1:14 pm (a Tuesday) Levi Russell joined us and we couldn't be happier.  His arrival story actually starts the previous day as with most babies.

Monday, Marianne (Gretchen's mother) came over for dinner.  Throughout dinner Gretchen complained about back pain which was nothing new.  Her mom shrugged it off, noting that with all three of her daughters she had similar pain quite a bit of time before the actual delivery.  I, at that point, had never heard of back labor.  So, I was skeptical when Gretchen claimed she would be giving birth within the next 48 hours.

I was skeptical...

I was wrong.

Don't misunderstand.  My wife does not give into flights of fancy, nor is she particularly sensitive to pain.  The sole reason I was skeptical was out of ignorance.  Gretchen only had pain in her back and I assumed there needed to be pain other places as well for it to be labor.  I am lucky in many ways when it comes to Gretchen; several of those ways would take center stage in the next 24 hours.

After Marianne left and after some discussion (including Gretchen figuring out her back pains were coming and going around 6 minutes apart), Gretchen told me she would like to go to the hospital and I  acquiesced, though still very skeptical.  I threw the bags in the back of the Element and am sure grumbled more than my fair share.  Thankfully Gretchen was quick to forgive given the events to come.

We arrived at the hospital and were admitted.  Gretchen calmly went about giving information and describing the pain.  Neither of us thought we were staying.  I am sure the doctor chuckled to himself when he had to repeat that we WERE, in fact, staying.

"I guess I'll have to go get the bags when they move you to your room."  I remarked as reality sank in.  We hadn't even thought about having the bags with us because, as I said before, neither of us thought we would be staying.

I called my parents, still in disbelief, explaining to them that we were not leaving until the newest addition arrived.  They offered to come right away, but thankfully I assured them that the baby would not be here until the morning.

This was shortly before midnight and the next six hours were a blur of exhaustion, tests and doctors.  Gretchen gave me a scare with her blood pressure, (it was 48 over 23 at one point), but the doctors took wonderful care of her and by the time seven o'clock rolled around Gretchen was resting comfortably - the drug induced calm before the storm.

Around eleven the nurse told me I should go get something to eat as they did not want me passing out (always a good precaution), so I went to the waiting room.  We had quite the crowd.  Both sets of parents were there, my sister Jill with Riley my nephew, as well as my grandma and aunt Diane.  I went downstairs and got a chicken wrap and soup combination, went back upstairs and ate while we chatted about how the baby was coming, but not for a little bit.

My phone buzzed and my wife, bless her, texted with a casual tone I could hear her say in my head, "Make your way back they want to trial some pushes, Nannapenini (her doctor) called and said see if we can get it moving."

The calm, cool and collected nature Gretchen had throughout this whole process still amazes me.  Television and other media makes us feel as if this process is insanely chaotic.  I wonder if our experience was more typical, but I would like to think that my wife is simply that incredible.

I will save you all of the gory details, but shortly after she started, Levi came into this world.  We fell in love immediately.  After quite a while (enough to get both of our mothers a little worried), I went out to announce to the world that my little boy was here.  We did not know if it was going to be a boy or a girl so the excitement was palpable.  I announced the weight first, 8 lbs. 8 oz., then the height, 22 inches, saving the best for last...

Levi Russell Wendell.  Beautiful.  Wonderful.  A gift from God.